Wohnschau Thüringen
Wohnschau Thüringen
For the duration of one month ‘Plattform Wohndebatte’ took over the Neufert-Box with the exhibition ‘Wohnschau Thüringen’. The curatorial project and design of ‘Wohnschau Thüringen’ took the name of its corresponding research project literally and presented on the 12 different levels of the Box, each one a platform in itself, the outcomes of three years of intensive work, exchange and debate.

The exhibition began with an introduction into ‘Plattform Wohndebatte’, a presentation of all involved actors and of the different formats, which had been carried out during the project. Paper based as well as digital publications and video-documentations of interviews and lectures were presented. Along its course, one level after the other, the diversity of the topic was presented through a sequence of photo-essays, a selection of cases of best practice in housing in Thuringia with models, drawings and photos, video-interviews with inhabitants of three of the presented cases, a reading space, a studio and a space dedicated to seminars and conversations.

On top of everything, at the last level of the Box, a series of peeks into the future were presented. Among others the outcomes of the competition ‘LandGut2050’, the model of the winning proposal for the competition ‘Das100’, which had been organized and held by the foundation for Studierendenwerk Thüringen and the research project ‘Woodland’, which is dedicated to the advancement of a smart use of the resource wood for the construction and nurturing of a sustainable relation with our environment. The project ‘Woodland’, by pursuing fundamental outcomes of the work carried out in the ‘Plattform’, presented at the upper level represents a continuation of the work carried out in the ‘Platform’.

The exhibition is complemented by a digital publication, which presents most of the materials present here as well as many more, the three issues of the magazine ‘Wohnbaublatt’ and the two publications ‘Essays zum Wohnen / Essays on Dwelling’ and ‘9 Thesen zum Wohnen / 9 Thesis on Housing’. The nine theses, presented in the later, condense the outcomes of the ‘Platform Housing Debate’, and entail a catalog of actions. They look at the present and future of living and building in Thuringia.

The exhibition and a correlated series of events, organized during the exhibition, were an invitation to all interested parties to explore and verify their own points of view on the topic. The ‘Plattform’ in itself was aimed on getting different interest groups around one table. That succeeded. The question remains how a lively housing debate in Thuringia will continue. A start has been made!
Curated by Jessica Christoph with Stephan Jung and Ulrich Wieler


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