Urban Acupuncture
Urban Acupuncture
This research project consists of a series of experimental temporary installations en plein air aimed at the improvement of the environmental quality of the city and therefore of urban culture. These days developments in technology are mainly applied on the level of the individual, favouring intangible aspects. But their extension to the urban habitat has also the potential of expanding their innovative aspects to the physical realm. This research and the corresponding initiative ‘The Urban Prototype Project’ conducts several field experiments in urban open spaces and connective tissues in order to reach a condition of widespread quality. During the initial phase potential urban patterns were identified for which subsequently different devices and environmental micro-infrastructures based on a low-cost application of advanced technologies have been designed, developed and tested. The resulting sequence of experimental prototypes defined the street as platform. A few different inventions have been tested through the production of a series of prototypes and their verification inside the laboratory as well as inside selected urban spaces.